Seminar Archives
From GSPDA Wiki
Pizza Seminars 2015
- January 21, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) John Musson: Deposition of Superconducting Nb Thin Films by Recrystallization and Abnormal Grain Growth
- February 18, 2015 12-1pm (CC L102) S. Lee Allison: Hall A DVCS program
- March 18, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) Narbe Kalantarians: (Semi) Inclusive Deuteron Data Fitting and Extraction of Neutron Structure Functions
- April 15, 2015 12-1pm (CC AUD) Yuxiang Zhao: Recent results from Transversity Experiment (E06-010)
- May 13, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) Kevin Jordan: From the Lab to the Factory: The journey of BNNT LLC
- June 17, 2015 12-1pm (CC L102) Charles Hanretty: The HDice Target at JLab
- July 15, 2015 12-1pm (CC AUD) Ted Rogers: Transverse Momentum Dependent Observables and QCD
- August 19, 2015 12-1pm (CC AUD) Simona Malace: Upcoming Experiments in Hall C at Jefferson Lab during the Commissioning Year
- September 16, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) Panel Discussion: Work/Life balance/Time management
- October 21, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) Doug Higinbotham: Extracting the Charge Radius of the Proton from Electron Scattering Data
- November 11, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) Amber Boehnlein: Cyber security
- December 16, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) Greg Kalicy:DIRC technology
Summer Lecture Series 2015
Date | Time | Speaker | Talk | Room # |
June 4 | 11:00AM | Rolf Ent | Introduction to Nuclear Physics | AUD |
June 9 | 11:00AM | Todd Satogata | Introduction to Accelerators | AUD |
June 11 | 11:00AM | Howard Fenker | Introduction to Detectors for Nuclear Physics | AUD |
June 16 | 11:00AM | Mike Spata | Overview of CEBAF Accelerator | AUD |
June 18 | 11:00AM | Drew Weisenberger | Radiation Detecting & Imaging | AUD |
June 23 | 11:00AM | Eugene Chudakov | Calorimetry | F113 |
June 25 | 11:00AM | Larry Weinstein | Guesstimation: Approximate answers to any question | F113 |
June 30 | 11:00AM | Grigory Eremeev | SRF Science and Technology | F113 |
July 2 | 11:00AM | Gail Dodge | Ethics in Research | F113 |
July 7 | 11:00AM | Elton Smith | and Photomultipliers | AUD |
July 9 | 11:00AM | Joe Grames | Polarized Electron Source | F113 |
July 14 | 11:00AM | Mark Ito | Kinematic Fitting | F113 |
July 16 | 11:00AM | Graham Heyes | Data Acquisition Systems | AUD |
July 21 | 11:00AM | Cynthia Keppel | Nuclear Physics in Proton Radiotherapy | AUD |
July 23 | 11:00AM | Mac Mestayer | Discovery of the Quark | F113 |
July 28 | 11:00AM | Doug Higinbotham | Nuclear Physics Experiment, an example | AUD |
July 30 | 11:00AM | Marcy Stutzman | Extreme High Vacuum | AUD |
Pizza Seminars 2014
January 29, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC Auditorium) - February 26, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Yi Qiang: The GlueX program at Hall-D
- March 26, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC Auditorium) Peter Knudsen: Process Options for Nominal 2-K Helium Refrigeration System Design
- April 16, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Riad Suleiman: Measurement of 16O(γ,α)12C with bubble chamber and bremsstrahlung beam at Jefferson Lab Injector
- May 21, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Ishara Fernando: Study of the spin-flavor structure of excited baryon masses from lattice QCD in 1/N_c expansion
- June 25, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Christopher Hopper: Development of Superconducting Spoke Cavities for High-Velocity Applications
- July 16, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Harut Avagyan: 3D Structure of the Nucleon
- August 20, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Buddhini Waidyawansa: Beam Normal Single Spin Asymmetriesin e+N Scattering
- September 24, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Alexandre Camsonne: Superconductors and their applications
- October 15, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Michael Kunkel: Photoproduction of pi0 on hydrogen with CLAS from 1.1 GeV - 5.45 GeV from e+e-gamma decay mode
- November 12, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Asli Tandogan Kunkel: Analytic Evolution of Singular Distribution Amplitudes in QCD
- December 17, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Balint Joo: A random walk in lattice fields and
extreme computing
Summer Lecture Series 2014
Date | Time | Speaker | Talk | Room # |
June 10 | 11:00AM | Rolf Ent | Introduction to Nuclear Physics | Auditorium |
June 12 | 11:00AM | Geoff Krafft | Introduction to Accelerators | Auditorium |
June 17 | 11:00AM | Howard Fenker | Introduction to Detectors for Nuclear Physics | F324/325 |
June 19 | 2:00PM | Paul Vasilauskis | Overview of CEBAF Accelerator | Auditorium |
June 24 | 11:00AM | Elton Smith | Scintillator and Photomultipliers | L102 |
June 26 | 11:00AM | Eugene Chudakov | Calorimetry | F113 |
July 1 (canceled) | ||||
July 3 | 11:00AM | Grigory Eremeev | SRF Science and Technology | F113 |
July 8 | 11:00AM | Cynthia Keppel | Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics | F113 |
July 10 | 11:00AM | Mark Ito | Kinematic Fitting | F113 |
July 15 | 11:00AM | Graham Heyes | Data Acquisition Systems | F113 |
July 17 | 11:00AM | Joe Grames | Polarized Electron Sources | F113 |
July 22 | 11:00AM | Doug Higinbotham | Nuclear Physics Experiment, an example | F113 |
July 24 | 11:00AM | Drew Weisenberger | Applications of Nuclear Physics Detector Technology in Biology | F113 |
July 29 | 11:00AM | Marcy Stutzman | Extreme High Vacuum | F113 |
July 31 | 11:00AM | Larry Weinstein | Guesstimation: Approximate answers to any question | F113 |
Pizza Seminars 2013
- January 16, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) The GlueX Experiment at Jefferson Lab, David Lawrence
- February 20, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) A Plague of Field Emission - 17.3 years of CEBAF experience, Jay Benesch
- March 20, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Field Emission Studies toward Improving the Performance of DC High Voltage Photoguns, Mahzad Bastaninejad
- April 8, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC Auditorium) Overview of Research at LANL's Space Science and Applications Group, Alexei V. Klimenko
- May 15, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Charles Sukenik
- June 19, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) : The Q_weak Experiment: A Search for New Physics at the TeV Scale via a Measurement of the Proton's Weak Charge, Rakitha Sanjeewa Beminiwattha
- July 17, 2013 12:15 - 1:15 pm (CC Aud) Dennis Weygand: Light Quark Exotic Mesons
- August 7, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Nathaniel Bubis: Virtual Photon Calculations Applied to Experimental Data of 3He(γ,pp)
- September 18, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Gwyn P. Williams and Kim Kindrew: Disseminating your Science - and how your publications are used beyond this
- October 16, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Jay Benesch: Magnet Forensics
- November 13, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Brad Sawatzky:Probing the Spin Structure of the Neutron
- December 18, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC Auditorium) Kijun Park:An interesting observation using the exclusive meson electroproduction ratios from CLAS experiment
Summer Lecture Series 2013
Date | Time | Speaker | Talk | Room # |
June 4 | 11:00AM | Rolf Ent | Introduction to Nuclear Physics | F326/327 |
June 6 | 11:00AM | Todd Satogata | Introduction to Accelerators | F326/327 |
June 11 | 11:00AM | Howard Fenker | Introduction to Detectors for Nuclear Physics | L102 |
June 13 | 2:00PM | Paul Vasilauskis | Overview of CEBAF Accelerator | Auditorium |
June 18 | 11:00AM | Elton Smith | Scintillator and Photomultipliers | F113 |
June 20 | 2:00PM | Eugene Chudakov | Calorimetry | F326/327 |
June 25 | 11:00AM | Larry Weinstein | Guesstimation: Approximate answers to any question | L102 |
June 27 | 11:00AM | Grigory Eremeev | SRF Science and Technology | L102 |
July 11 | 11:00AM | Mark Ito | Kinematic Fitting | F113 |
July 16 | 11:00AM | Graham Heyes | Data Acquisition Systems | L102 |
July 18 | 11:00AM | Joe Grames | Polarized Electron Source | Auditorium |
July 23 | 11:00AM | Doug Higinbotham | Nuclear Physics Experiment, an example | L102 |
July 25 | 11:00AM | Drew Weisenberger | Applications of Nuclear Physics Detector Technology in Biology | L102 |
July 30 | 11:00AM | Cynthia Keppel | Accelerator Use in Medicine | Auditorium |
August 1 | 11:00AM | Michelle Shinn | New Evidence for a Dark Energy-Dominated Universe | L102 |
Pizza Seminars 2012
- Wednesday, January 18, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113): An Overview of Dark Matter experiments at Jefferson Lab, Jim Boyce
- Wednesday, February 15, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113): TMDs for the Simple-minded , Sebastian Kuhn
- Wednesday, March 21, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC L102/104): Superconducting Parallel-Bar Deflecting/Crabbing Cavity Development and its Applications, Subashini De Silva
- Wednesday, April 18, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113): The g2p experiment, Karl Slifer
- Wednesday, May 23, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113): Regression in the 20th century, Jay Benesch
- Wednesday, June 27, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Hypernuclear Physics Using CEBAF Beam: Past and Future, Liguang Tang
- Wednesday, July 18, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Probing nucleon spin structure using an electron beam and longitudinally polarized proton target, Sucheta Jawalkar
- Wednesday, August 15, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Parity Violation and the Standard Model, Mark Dalton
- Wednesday, September 26, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113)A measurement of the differential cross section for theexclusive pElectro-production from the Neutron , Jixie Zhang
- Wednesday, October 17, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Proton Form Factor Ratio GE/GM from the Double Spin Asymmetry, Anusha Habarakada Liyanage
- Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Transverse Spin Effects in the Nucleon: Recent Results from Hall-A, Kalyan Allada
- Wednesday, December 19, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Recent Activities in RF Superconductivity at Jefferson Lab, Pashupati Dhakal
Summer Lecture Series 2012
Date | Time | Speaker | Talk | Room # |
June 7 | 11:00AM | Geoff Krafft | Introduction to Accelerators | F224/225 |
June 12 | 11:00AM | Rolf Ent | Introduction to Nuclear Physics | L102/L104 |
June 14 | 11:00AM | Howard Fenker | Introduction to Detectors for Nuclear Physics | L102/L104 |
June 19 | 11:00AM | Mike Spata | Overview of CEBAF Accelerator | F224/225 |
June 21 | 11:00AM | Elton Smith | Scintillator and Photomultipliers | F224/225 |
June 26 | 11:00AM | Eugene Chudakov | Calorimetry | F113 |
June 28 | 11:00AM | Drew Weisenberger | Applications of Nuclear Physics Detector Technology in Biology and Medicine | F113 |
July 3 | 11:00AM | Grigory Eremeev | SRF Science and Technology | F113 |
July 5 | 11:00AM | Gail Dodge | Ethics in Research | F113 |
July 10 | 11:00AM | Mark Ito | Kinematic Fitting | L102/L104 |
July 12 | 11:00AM | Graham Heyes | Data Acquisition Systems | L102/L104 |
July 17 | 11:00AM | Joe Grames | Polarized Electron Source | F224/225 |
July 19 | 11:00AM | Doug Higinbotham | Nuclear Physics Experiment, an example | Auditorium |
Pizza Seminars 2011
- Wednesday, December 14, 2011 12 - 1 pm (CC F113): Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model: A new gauge forces, dark photons, dark matter, Stepan Stepanyan
- Wednesday, November 16, 2011 12 - 1 pm (CC F113): Light Meson Spectroscopy, Simon Taylor
- Wednesday, October 19, 2011 12 - 1 pm (CC Auditorium): Quarks at the extreme: Nucleon structure at large momentum fractions x, Wally Melnitchouk
- Wednesday, September 21, 2011 12 - 1 pm (F113): International Linear Collider (ILC) Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) Acceleration and ILC High Gradient SRF Cavity R&D at JLab, Rong-Li Geng
- Wednesday, August 17, 2011 12 - 1 pm (F113): How are you doing Mr. PEPPo?, Erica Fanchini
- Wednesday, July 22, 2011 12 - 1 pm (F113): Photocathode development at Jefferson Lab, Russell Mammei
- Wednesday, June 29, 2011 12 - 1 pm (F113):Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle: The Science of Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Jerry Gilfoyle
- Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12 - 1 pm (F113):Electron-Ion Collider as a Gluon Microscope, Yuhong Zhang
- Wednesday, April 20, 2011 12 - 1 pm (F113): Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors at Low Q2 and the Proton Size Puzzle, Xiaohui Zhan
- Thursday March 24, 2011 12 - 1 pm (L102/104): Short-Distance Structure of the Nucleus, Vincent Sulkosky
- Wednesday February 23, 2011 12 - 1 pm (L102/104): Spin, Nucleon Spin and Polarized Targets, J.P Chen
- Wednesday, January 26, 2011 12 - 1 pm (F113): What can you do if you have polarized photons and polarized target?, Eugene Pasyuk
Summer Lecture Series 2011
Date | Time | Speaker | Talk | Room # |
June 2 | 11:00AM | Howard Fenker | Introduction to Detectors for Nuclear Physics | CC Auditorium |
June 9 | 11:00AM | Rolf Ent | Introduction to Nuclear Physics | L102/L104 |
June 14 | 11:00AM | Geoff Krafft | Introduction to Accelerator | L102/L104 |
June 16 | Canceled | |||
June 21 | 11:00AM | Gail Dodge | Ethics in Research | CC Auditorium |
June 23 | 3:00PM | Joe Grames | Polarized Electron Source | CC Auditorium |
June 28 | 11:00AM | Mike Spata | Overview of CEBAF Accelerator | L102/L104 |
June 30 | 11:00AM | Charlie Reece | SRF Science and Technology | L102/L104 |
July 5 | 11:00AM | Eugene Chudakov | Calorimetry | L102/L104 |
July 7 | 11:00AM | Graham Heyes | Data Acquisition Systems | L102/L104 |
July 12 | 11:00AM | Drew Weisenberger | Physics Detectors Applied to Medicine | L102/L104 |
July 14 | 11:00AM | Mac Mestayer | Discover the Quark | L102/L104 |
July 19 | 11:00AM | Doug Higinbotham | Nuclear Physics Experiment, an example | L102/L104 |
July 21 | 11:00AM | Elton Smith | Photomultipliers | L102/L104 |