Summer Lecture Series 2020
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Pizza Seminars 2019
- January 16, 2019 12-1pm (CC F113) Tong Su- Status of MARATHON experiment
- March 20, 2019 12-1pm (CC L102) Simona Malace- On the path to extracting precision cross sections from Hall C commissioning experiment E12-10-002
- April 17, 2019 12-1pm (CC F113) Yan Wang- Development of a 300 KV DC High Voltage Photogun and Beam Based Studies of Alkali Antimonide Photocathodes
- May 15, 2019 12-1pm (CC F113) Scott Barcus - High Q2 Elastic Scattering on Three-body Nuclei
- June 12, 2019 12-1pm (CC L102) Uttar Pudasaini- Structure and properties of the vapor diffused Nb3Sn coatings for SRF applications
- August 21, 2019 12-1pm (CC F113) David Kashy- An Overview and Cryo at JLab
- September 4, 2019 12-1pm (CC L102) Bishoy Dongwi- The stopped Kaon decay experiment TREK/E36 at JPARC
- September 20, 2019 12-1pm (CC F113) Thomas Britton- Artificial Intelligence: Welcoming our new robot overlords
- October 16, 2019 12-1pm (CC F113) Kai Jin: Coulomb Sum Rule Experiment at JLab
- December 11, 2019 12-1pm (CC F113) Krishna Kumar: Why are the funding agencies planning to spend nearly as much money as the entire 12 GeV upgrade to fund searches for neutrino-less double-beta decay?
Summer Lecture Series 2019
Pizza Seminars 2018
- January 22, 2018 12-1pm (CC F113) Doug Higinbotham- Lunchtime Stories of Safety, Analysis & Careers
- January 25, 2018 12-1pm (CC F113) Rolf Ent- Perspective on Nuclear Physics at JLab - Why should we be excited?
- February 21, 2018 12-1pm (CC F113) Bishoy Dongwi- Test of lepton universality and search for dark bosons with TREK/E36 at J-PARC
- March 21, 2018 12-1pm (CC L102) Thomas Britton- Simulations and Visualizations in Hall-D: A Seminar in Two Acts
- April 18, 2018 12-1pm (CC L102) Drew Weisenberger- Applications of Nuclear Physics Technology
- June 13, 2018 12-1pm (CC AUD) Chip Watson- Scientific Computing, Desktop to Exascale
- July 18, 2018 12-1pm (CC F113) Eliezer Piasetzky- Imaging and Analysis of Hebrew First Temple (Iron Age II) Ostraca
- October 17, 2018 12-1pm (CC F113) Gagik Gavalian- Data Processing for Clas12
- November 14, 2018 12-1pm (CC F326/327) Francois-Xavier Girod- The pressure distribution inside the proton
- December 19, 2018 12-1pm (CC F113) Doug Higinbotham- The Proton Radius
Summer Lecture Series 2018
Pizza Seminars 2017
- January 18, 2017 12-1pm (CC F113)- Vahagn Nazaryan- Careers After Graduate School
- January 19, 2017 12:30-1:30pm (CC F113)- Holly Szumila-Vance- Interviewing with NASA for the Astronaut Corps
- February 15, 2017 12-1pm (CC F113)- Jianwei Qiu- Explore Hadron Structure by JLab12 Program & Lattice QCD Calculations
- March 22, 2017 12-1pm (CC F113)- Yoshitaka Taira- Gamma-ray vortex beams carrying orbital angular momentum
- April 19, 2017 12-1pm (CC F113)- Eric Christy- Fitting Inclusive Structure Functions and Cross Sections
- May 24, 2017 12-1pm (CC L102)- Holly Szumila-Vance: Searching for Heavy Photons in Hall B
- June 28, 2017 12-1pm (CC F113)- Sandy Philpott: Jefferson Lab Computing Facilities
- July 19, 2017 12-1pm (CC F113)- Pawel Nadel-Turonski Probing the nuclear glue with the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC)
- August 16, 2017 12-1pm (CC F113) Latifa Elouadrhiri- Nucleon Tomography
- September 20, 2017 12-1pm (CC F113) Abel Sun- Upcoming Hall C measurements of F2 structure functions at large Bjorken x from H(e,e’) and D(e,e’) inelastic scattering
- October 18, 2017 12-1pm (CC F113) Gabriel Charles: ALERT: new experiment to solve the EMC effect
- November 15, 2017 12-1pm (CC F113) Rik Yoshida: From HERA to the EIC
- December 13, 2017 12-1pm (CC F113) Tim Michalski: An Overview of Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing: How to get what you want the first time
Seminars of Interest
Summer Lecture Series 2017
Pizza Seminars 2016
- January 19, 2016 12-1pm (CC L102)- Panel Discussion (Gail Dodge): Grant writing and funding
- February 17, 2016 12-1pm (CC F113) Raul Briceno: Resonances and QCD
- March 23, 2016 12-1pm (CC L102)- Barak Schmookler: Studying the Electromagnetic Form Factors of the Proton at JLab
- April 20, 2016 12-1pm (CC F113)- Narbe Kalantarians: Comparison of the F2 Structure Function in Iron as Measured by Charged Lepton and Neutrino Probes
- June 8, 2016 12-1pm (CC AUD)- James Maxwell- Phantom Physics: Applications of a Polarized He3 Ion Source for Ghostbusting
- July 20, 2016 12-1pm (CC F113)- Beni Zihlmann- Hall D/ GlueX
- August 17, 2016 12-1pm (CC F113)- Kathleen Wyrich: Helpful hints to land that job!
- September 28, 2016 12-1pm (CC F113)- Markus Diefenthaler: JLEIC
- October 19, 2016 12-1pm (CC L102)- Kirstin Deitrick: High Average Brilliance Compact Inverse Compton Light Source
- November 16, 2016 12-1pm (CC AUD)- Salvador Sosa: A Crabbing compensation scheme for JLEIC
- December 7, 2016 12-1pm (CC F113)- Cesar Luongo: High Magnetic Fields and Physics: Issues in the Design and Construction of Superconducting Magnets
Summer Lecture Series 2016
Pizza Seminars 2015
- January 21, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) John Musson: Deposition of Superconducting Nb Thin Films by Recrystallization and Abnormal Grain Growth
- February 18, 2015 12-1pm (CC L102) S. Lee Allison: Hall A DVCS program
- March 18, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) Narbe Kalantarians: (Semi) Inclusive Deuteron Data Fitting and Extraction of Neutron Structure Functions
- April 15, 2015 12-1pm (CC AUD) Yuxiang Zhao: Recent results from Transversity Experiment (E06-010)
- May 13, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) Kevin Jordan: From the Lab to the Factory: The journey of BNNT LLC
- June 17, 2015 12-1pm (CC L102) Charles Hanretty: The HDice Target at JLab
- July 15, 2015 12-1pm (CC AUD) Ted Rogers: Transverse Momentum Dependent Observables and QCD
- August 19, 2015 12-1pm (CC AUD) Simona Malace: Upcoming Experiments in Hall C at Jefferson Lab during the Commissioning Year
- September 16, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) Panel Discussion: Work/Life balance/Time management
- October 21, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) Doug Higinbotham: Extracting the Charge Radius of the Proton from Electron Scattering Data
- November 11, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) Amber Boehnlein: Cyber security
- December 16, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) Greg Kalicy:DIRC technology
Summer Lecture Series 2015
Pizza Seminars 2014
January 29, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC Auditorium)
- February 26, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Yi Qiang: The GlueX program at Hall-D
- March 26, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC Auditorium) Peter Knudsen: Process Options for Nominal 2-K Helium Refrigeration System Design
- April 16, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Riad Suleiman: Measurement of 16O(γ,α)12C with bubble chamber and bremsstrahlung beam at Jefferson Lab Injector
- May 21, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Ishara Fernando: Study of the spin-flavor structure of excited baryon masses from lattice QCD in 1/N_c expansion
- June 25, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Christopher Hopper: Development of Superconducting Spoke Cavities for High-Velocity Applications
- July 16, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Harut Avagyan: 3D Structure of the Nucleon
- August 20, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Buddhini Waidyawansa: Beam Normal Single Spin Asymmetriesin e+N Scattering
- September 24, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Alexandre Camsonne: Superconductors and their applications
- October 15, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Michael Kunkel: Photoproduction of pi0 on hydrogen with CLAS from 1.1 GeV - 5.45 GeV from e+e-gamma decay mode
- November 12, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Asli Tandogan Kunkel: Analytic Evolution of Singular Distribution Amplitudes in QCD
- December 17, 2014 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Balint Joo: A random walk in lattice fields and extreme computing
Summer Lecture Series 2014
Pizza Seminars 2013
- January 16, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) The GlueX Experiment at Jefferson Lab, David Lawrence
- February 20, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) A Plague of Field Emission - 17.3 years of CEBAF experience, Jay Benesch
- March 20, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Field Emission Studies toward Improving the Performance of DC High Voltage Photoguns, Mahzad Bastaninejad
- April 8, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC Auditorium) Overview of Research at LANL's Space Science and Applications Group, Alexei V. Klimenko
- May 15, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Charles Sukenik
- June 19, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) : The Q_weak Experiment: A Search for New Physics at the TeV Scale via a Measurement of the Proton's Weak Charge, Rakitha Sanjeewa Beminiwattha
- July 17, 2013 12:15 - 1:15 pm (CC Aud) Dennis Weygand: Light Quark Exotic Mesons
- August 7, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Nathaniel Bubis: Virtual Photon Calculations Applied to Experimental Data of 3He(γ,pp)
- September 18, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Gwyn P. Williams and Kim Kindrew: Disseminating your Science - and how your publications are used beyond this
- October 16, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Jay Benesch: Magnet Forensics
- November 13, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Brad Sawatzky:Probing the Spin Structure of the Neutron
- December 18, 2013 12 - 1 pm (CC Auditorium) Kijun Park:An interesting observation using the exclusive meson electroproduction ratios from CLAS experiment
Summer Lecture Series 2013
Pizza Seminars 2012
- Wednesday, January 18, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113): An Overview of Dark Matter experiments at Jefferson Lab, Jim Boyce
- Wednesday, February 15, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113): TMDs for the Simple-minded , Sebastian Kuhn
- Wednesday, March 21, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC L102/104): Superconducting Parallel-Bar Deflecting/Crabbing Cavity Development and its Applications, Subashini De Silva
- Wednesday, April 18, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113): The g2p experiment, Karl Slifer
- Wednesday, May 23, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113): Regression in the 20th century, Jay Benesch
- Wednesday, June 27, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Hypernuclear Physics Using CEBAF Beam: Past and Future, Liguang Tang
- Wednesday, July 18, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Probing nucleon spin structure using an electron beam and longitudinally polarized proton target, Sucheta Jawalkar
- Wednesday, August 15, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Parity Violation and the Standard Model, Mark Dalton
- Wednesday, September 26, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113)A measurement of the differential cross section for theexclusive pElectro-production from the Neutron , Jixie Zhang
- Wednesday, October 17, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Proton Form Factor Ratio GE/GM from the Double Spin Asymmetry, Anusha Habarakada Liyanage
- Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Transverse Spin Effects in the Nucleon: Recent Results from Hall-A, Kalyan Allada
- Wednesday, December 19, 2012 12 - 1 pm (CC F113) Recent Activities in RF Superconductivity at Jefferson Lab, Pashupati Dhakal
Summer Lecture Series 2012
Room #
June 7
Geoff Krafft
Introduction to Accelerators
June 12
Rolf Ent
Introduction to Nuclear Physics
June 14
Howard Fenker
Introduction to Detectors for Nuclear Physics
June 19
Mike Spata
Overview of CEBAF Accelerator
June 21
Elton Smith
Scintillator and Photomultipliers
June 26
Eugene Chudakov
June 28
Drew Weisenberger
Applications of Nuclear Physics Detector Technology in Biology and Medicine
July 3
Grigory Eremeev
SRF Science and Technology
July 5
Gail Dodge
Ethics in Research
July 10
Mark Ito
Kinematic Fitting
July 12
Graham Heyes
Data Acquisition Systems
July 17
Joe Grames
Polarized Electron Source
July 19
Doug Higinbotham
Nuclear Physics Experiment, an example
Pizza Seminars 2011
- Wednesday, December 14, 2011 12 - 1 pm (CC F113): Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model: A new gauge forces, dark photons, dark matter, Stepan Stepanyan
- Wednesday, November 16, 2011 12 - 1 pm (CC F113): Light Meson Spectroscopy, Simon Taylor
- Wednesday, October 19, 2011 12 - 1 pm (CC Auditorium): Quarks at the extreme: Nucleon structure at large momentum fractions x, Wally Melnitchouk
- Wednesday, September 21, 2011 12 - 1 pm (F113): International Linear Collider (ILC) Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) Acceleration and ILC High Gradient SRF Cavity R&D at JLab, Rong-Li Geng
- Wednesday, August 17, 2011 12 - 1 pm (F113): How are you doing Mr. PEPPo?, Erica Fanchini
- Wednesday, July 22, 2011 12 - 1 pm (F113): Photocathode development at Jefferson Lab, Russell Mammei
- Wednesday, June 29, 2011 12 - 1 pm (F113):Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle: The Science of Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Jerry Gilfoyle
- Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12 - 1 pm (F113):Electron-Ion Collider as a Gluon Microscope, Yuhong Zhang
Summer Lecture Series 2011