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== Pizza Seminars 2016 ==
*January 19, 2016 12-1pm (CC L102)- Panel Discussion (Gail Dodge): Grant writing and funding
*February 17, 2016 12-1pm (CC F113) Raul Briceno: [http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/pizza_seminars/2016/Feb_Briceno.pdf Resonances and QCD]
*March 23, 2016 12-1pm (CC L102)- Barak Schmookler: [http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/pizza_seminars/2016/Mar_Schmookler.pdf Studying the Electromagnetic Form Factors of the Proton at JLab]
*April 20, 2016 12-1pm (CC F113)- Narbe Kalantarians:  [http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/pizza_seminars/2016/Apr_Narbe.pdf Comparison of the F2 Structure Function in Iron as Measured by Charged Lepton and Neutrino Probes]
*May 25, 2016 12-1pm (CC L102)- Md Abdullah Mamun- [http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/pizza_seminars/2016/May_Mamun.pdf THIN FILM STUDIES TOWARD IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF ACCELERATOR ELECTRON SOURCES]
*June 8, 2016 12-1pm (CC AUD)- James Maxwell- Phantom Physics: [http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/pizza_seminars/2016/ghostbusters_talk_may_2016.pdf Applications of a Polarized He3 Ion Source for Ghostbusting]
*July 20, 2016 12-1pm (CC F113)- Beni Zihlmann- [http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/pizza_seminars/2016/zihlmann_2016.pdf Hall D/ GlueX]
*August 17, 2016 12-1pm (CC F113)- Kathleen Wyrich: [http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/pizza_seminars/2016/Wyrich_2016.pdf Helpful hints to land that job!]
*September 28, 2016 12-1pm (CC F113)- Markus Diefenthaler: [http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/pizza_seminars/2016/Sept_Diefenthaler.pdf  JLEIC]
*October 19, 2016 12-1pm (CC L102)- Kirstin Deitrick: [http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/pizza_seminars/2016/Deitrick_JLab High Average Brilliance Compact Inverse Compton Light Source]
*November 16, 2016 12-1pm (CC AUD)- Salvador Sosa: [http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/pizza_seminars/2016/Sosa_2016.ppt A Crabbing compensation scheme for JLEIC]
*December 7, 2016 12-1pm (CC F113)- Cesar Luongo: [http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/pizza_seminars/2016/Luongo_2016.ppt High Magnetic Fields and Physics: Issues in the Design and Construction of Superconducting Magnets]
== Pizza Seminars 2015 ==
== Pizza Seminars 2015 ==
*January 21, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) John Musson: [http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/pizza_seminars/2015/Musson_1_15.pdf Deposition of Superconducting Nb Thin Films by Recrystallization and Abnormal Grain Growth]
*January 21, 2015 12-1pm (CC F113) John Musson: [http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/pizza_seminars/2015/Musson_1_15.pdf Deposition of Superconducting Nb Thin Films by Recrystallization and Abnormal Grain Growth]

Revision as of 10:22, 17 January 2017

Pizza Seminars 2016

Pizza Seminars 2015

Summer Lecture Series 2015

Date Time Speaker Talk Room #
June 4 11:00AM Rolf Ent Introduction to Nuclear Physics AUD
June 9 11:00AM Todd Satogata Introduction to Accelerators AUD
June 11 11:00AM Howard Fenker Introduction to Detectors for Nuclear Physics AUD
June 16 11:00AM Mike Spata Overview of CEBAF Accelerator AUD
June 18 11:00AM Drew Weisenberger Radiation Detecting & Imaging AUD
June 23 11:00AM Eugene Chudakov Calorimetry F113
June 25 11:00AM Larry Weinstein Guesstimation: Approximate answers to any question F113
June 30 11:00AM Grigory Eremeev SRF Science and Technology F113
July 2 11:00AM Gail Dodge Ethics in Research F113
July 7 11:00AM Elton Smith and Photomultipliers AUD
July 9 11:00AM Joe Grames Polarized Electron Source F113
July 14 11:00AM Mark Ito Kinematic Fitting F113
July 16 11:00AM Graham Heyes Data Acquisition Systems AUD
July 21 11:00AM Cynthia Keppel Nuclear Physics in Proton Radiotherapy AUD
July 23 11:00AM Mac Mestayer Discovery of the Quark F113
July 28 11:00AM Doug Higinbotham Nuclear Physics Experiment, an example AUD
July 30 11:00AM Marcy Stutzman Extreme High Vacuum AUD

Pizza Seminars 2014

Summer Lecture Series 2014

Date Time Speaker Talk Room #
June 10 11:00AM Rolf Ent Introduction to Nuclear Physics Auditorium
June 12 11:00AM Geoff Krafft Introduction to Accelerators Auditorium
June 17 11:00AM Howard Fenker Introduction to Detectors for Nuclear Physics F324/325
June 19 2:00PM Paul Vasilauskis Overview of CEBAF Accelerator Auditorium
June 24 11:00AM Elton Smith Scintillator and Photomultipliers L102
June 26 11:00AM Eugene Chudakov Calorimetry F113
July 1 (canceled)
July 3 11:00AM Grigory Eremeev SRF Science and Technology F113
July 8 11:00AM Cynthia Keppel Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics F113
July 10 11:00AM Mark Ito Kinematic Fitting F113
July 15 11:00AM Graham Heyes Data Acquisition Systems F113
July 17 11:00AM Joe Grames Polarized Electron Sources F113
July 22 11:00AM Doug Higinbotham Nuclear Physics Experiment, an example F113
July 24 11:00AM Drew Weisenberger Applications of Nuclear Physics Detector Technology in Biology F113
July 29 11:00AM Marcy Stutzman Extreme High Vacuum F113
July 31 11:00AM Larry Weinstein Guesstimation: Approximate answers to any question F113

Pizza Seminars 2013

Summer Lecture Series 2013

Date Time Speaker Talk Room #
June 4 11:00AM Rolf Ent Introduction to Nuclear Physics F326/327
June 6 11:00AM Todd Satogata Introduction to Accelerators F326/327
June 11 11:00AM Howard Fenker Introduction to Detectors for Nuclear Physics L102
June 13 2:00PM Paul Vasilauskis Overview of CEBAF Accelerator Auditorium
June 18 11:00AM Elton Smith Scintillator and Photomultipliers F113
June 20 2:00PM Eugene Chudakov Calorimetry F326/327
June 25 11:00AM Larry Weinstein Guesstimation: Approximate answers to any question L102
June 27 11:00AM Grigory Eremeev SRF Science and Technology L102
July 11 11:00AM Mark Ito Kinematic Fitting F113
July 16 11:00AM Graham Heyes Data Acquisition Systems L102
July 18 11:00AM Joe Grames Polarized Electron Source Auditorium
July 23 11:00AM Doug Higinbotham Nuclear Physics Experiment, an example L102
July 25 11:00AM Drew Weisenberger Applications of Nuclear Physics Detector Technology in Biology L102
July 30 11:00AM Cynthia Keppel Accelerator Use in Medicine Auditorium
August 1 11:00AM Michelle Shinn New Evidence for a Dark Energy-Dominated Universe L102

Pizza Seminars 2012

Summer Lecture Series 2012

Date Time Speaker Talk Room #
June 7 11:00AM Geoff Krafft Introduction to Accelerators F224/225
June 12 11:00AM Rolf Ent Introduction to Nuclear Physics L102/L104
June 14 11:00AM Howard Fenker Introduction to Detectors for Nuclear Physics L102/L104
June 19 11:00AM Mike Spata Overview of CEBAF Accelerator F224/225
June 21 11:00AM Elton Smith Scintillator and Photomultipliers F224/225
June 26 11:00AM Eugene Chudakov Calorimetry F113
June 28 11:00AM Drew Weisenberger Applications of Nuclear Physics Detector Technology in Biology and Medicine F113
July 3 11:00AM Grigory Eremeev SRF Science and Technology F113
July 5 11:00AM Gail Dodge Ethics in Research F113
July 10 11:00AM Mark Ito Kinematic Fitting L102/L104
July 12 11:00AM Graham Heyes Data Acquisition Systems L102/L104
July 17 11:00AM Joe Grames Polarized Electron Source F224/225
July 19 11:00AM Doug Higinbotham Nuclear Physics Experiment, an example Auditorium

Pizza Seminars 2011

Summer Lecture Series 2011

Date Time Speaker Talk Room #
June 2 11:00AM Howard Fenker Introduction to Detectors for Nuclear Physics CC Auditorium
June 9 11:00AM Rolf Ent Introduction to Nuclear Physics L102/L104
June 14 11:00AM Geoff Krafft Introduction to Accelerator L102/L104
June 16 Canceled
June 21 11:00AM Gail Dodge Ethics in Research CC Auditorium
June 23 3:00PM Joe Grames Polarized Electron Source CC Auditorium
June 28 11:00AM Mike Spata Overview of CEBAF Accelerator L102/L104
June 30 11:00AM Charlie Reece SRF Science and Technology L102/L104
July 5 11:00AM Eugene Chudakov Calorimetry L102/L104
July 7 11:00AM Graham Heyes Data Acquisition Systems L102/L104
July 12 11:00AM Drew Weisenberger Physics Detectors Applied to Medicine L102/L104
July 14 11:00AM Mac Mestayer Discover the Quark L102/L104
July 19 11:00AM Doug Higinbotham Nuclear Physics Experiment, an example L102/L104
July 21 11:00AM Elton Smith Photomultipliers L102/L104